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- Date: Sun, 16 May 93 21:38:41 PDT
- From: dh@altair.csustan.edu (Doug Hendricks)
- Message-Id: <9305170438.AA29310@altair.csustan.edu>
- To: qrp@Think.COM
- Subject: Lectrokit Spider Review
- Jim, WA6GER is a good friend of mine. He sent me the following review which I
- thought the group might be interested in.
- __________________________________________________________________
- Product Review
- Lectrokit SP1 Spider
- by
- Jim Cates, WA6GER
- The January '93 issue of 73 has a cover-feature construction
- article by Mike Agsten, WA8TXT. It is a QRP transceiver, crystal
- control on BOTH transmit and receive. it is called the "Spider".
- It can be set up for 80, 40, or 30 meters.
- I read the article, mainly because I read everything related
- to QRP. But my interest was not aroused, remembering all the
- frustration of my crystal-controlled novice days.
- Here the matter remained, until Forest, N6ZBZ put one of these
- Spiders on 40, and asked me to listen for him, portable in Phoenix.
- He was Q5 copy, even though his antenna was a dipole only ten feet
- off the ground. Good, solid, QSO.
- This grabbed my attention like a..... well, spider bite.
- Monkey see; monkey do. So naturally I had to have one. On 40, of
- course, my favorite band. I dug out the issue of 73; checked the
- old junk box; got out some catalogs to price a couple of needed
- parts. Gazooks! These minimum order restrictions! Forget it!
- And I'm not one for kits; too many irritating experiences.
- But hark! A footnote, Lectrokit has the board and all surface
- mounted parts for ... for only twenty nine dollars? Hey, for
- twenty nine bucks, I'm starting to like kits.
- This one arrived quickly, like return mail? So, let's snip
- open this padded envelope and find out what is inside.
- To begin with, the instructions are so complete as to make
- assembly 99% foolproof. Definitely a beginner's project.
- (Blushingly I confess I am the reason why the kit is not 100%
- foolproof.I managed to install Q6 upside down on the board; not
- easy with the overlay - clearly marked - right in front of me.)
- The instructions and the parts are in separate plastic
- envelopes. And when I say instructions, I mean with CAPITAL
- LETTERS. Like sixteen pages; everything from how to read resistor
- and capacitor values to a drilling template. Pictorial diagrams,
- schematic; it's all there. Simply too much to permit a detailed
- description; so, let the table of contents suggest the extent:
- 1. Fundamentals of component installation
- 2. PC Board Assembly
- 3. Band Selection
- 4. Top panel assembly and wiring
- 5. Tune-up and operation
- 6. In case of difficulty
- 7. Schematic diagram
- 8. Mechanical drawings
- 9. Pictorial wiring diagram
- 10. PC parts overlay
- In addition to all the above, step by step, check-off assembly
- instructions, making this the most failure-proof kit since Heath.
- Is the kit complete? Bet your sweet patootie it is. How
- about solder included, and even an abrasive pad to scour the
- circuit board to remove the fingerprints you put on it while
- turning and eyeballing. All parts are there. None of this typical
- product review stuff, "I phoned XYZ company and they sent the
- missing parts....etc." This kit is complete; I mean no missing
- parts. and, they are supplied in bags, permitting bitesized
- assembly chunks, letting you follow a logical-sequence assembly.
- Ok, so now it is all assembled. How easy is it to tune up?
- Apple pie. Peak one transformer for RF out, one for maximum
- received signal strength (loudness). That's it. Period.
- How well does this rig work? Is it practical? Yes, oh yes,
- yes, yes. In a month of casual operating, around 0800-0900 Pacific
- time, on my two crystal frequencies, 7120 & 7125, I have worked and
- confirmed seven states, and snag a qso almost every day.
- At night there are the usual foreign broadcast problems, same
- as you hear from your megabuck rig. But I've worked east to the
- Great Lakes, on an average night.
- Is one watt enough? Believe me, 559 to 599 reports are
- common. Do you need a cw filter? After all, the receiver bandpass
- is admittedly a tad broad. Hey, this is a simple rig. Naw, the
- best filter is the one between your ears. Learn to use it!
- I now have three Lectrokit Spiders. And they have put fun
- back into hamming. I love the challenge, one watt, crystal
- control, forty meter QRM and QRN. But honestly, it isn't that big
- a deal; no fish in a barrel, but entirely practical. And, if 40
- isn't your cup of tea, put yours on 80 or 30. You'll love it, and
- that's a promise.
- *Lectrokit, 401 W. Bogard Rd., Sandusky, OH 44870
- SP1-BBM: Bare PC board with manual .............$12 postpaid
- SP1-PC: PC board, manual, all PC board parts....$29
- SP1-Kit: Complete kit, including case...........$39
- SP1-AT: Assembled Spider, 80, 40, or 30.........$59
- AF-1: Audio bandpass filter kit.................$6
- Shipping (Except SP1-BBM).......................$4
- Ohio residents add 6% tax
- _________________________________________________________
- The usual disclaimers apply. Neither Jim nor I have any financial interest in
- nor are we connected in any way with Lectrokit. 72......Doug, KI6DS
- ======================================================================
- Date: Sun, 23 May 93 22:27:01 PDT
- From: dh@deneb.csustan.edu (Doug Hendricks)
- Message-Id: <9305240527.AA19434@deneb.csustan.edu>
- To: qrp@Think.COM
- Subject: Spider Kit Finished
- I spent this weekend finishing up my Spider SP-1 kit that Jim, WA6GER, wrote
- the review on last week and I uploaded. Well, guys, I got it done at 9:00
- tonight, and this one is easy to tweak and get working. It worked the first
- time I tried it, and as I was adjusting the receiver by tuning a coil, I
- decided to call a CQ. Imagine my surprise when I called CQ twice followed
- by my call once, not really expecting an answer, and boom! here comes my
- call back. I had a 25 minute ragchew with a guy in Walnut Creek, Ca. Yeah,
- I know it isn't very far, but hey, if you could see the closet full of
- failures that I have for building projects, you would understand my joy at
- making a contact on a rig that I built.
- The NN1G rig is still not tweaked. Bill Kelsey is going to look over
- the schematic this weekend and hopefully he will be able to give me a hand.
- Please, if you write an article for QRP Quarterly or other journals, don't
- assume that all of us are as smart as you are. Give us the info on how to
- go about tweaking and tuning up the rig. It will be appreciated. Chuck
- Adams and I are working on a project that most of you will be interested in.
- We will announce it when we have the details worked out. Stay tuned. 72,
- Doug
- ======================================================================